Do you find that you have more debt than you can afford to pay? Maybe you have a fixed income and can only afford make the minimum payment on your credit cards. If you find yourself in this situation you may find it very difficult to ever pay off your credit card debt. This article will talk about some of the ways you can afford to pay off your credit card debt even if you are on a fixed income or if your income has dropped due to the recession.
Even though the big banks are now reporting big investment profits they are still losing billions of dollars to consumers just like you who have become delinquent on their credit card payments.
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If you are a baby boomer or a senior citizen or just mature in your years the income you are counting on from your retirement savings may not allow you to afford to pay more than just the minimum for your credit cards. You already own your own home and your cars are paid off. The kid's college has already been paid for. So what are you to do?
One option you may not have thought of is actually bankruptcy. You have already left the corporate world so you do not need to worry so much about having a high credit score or land you a good job or to qualify for a home loan. These are some of the reasons why people do not file bankruptcy. But for you in your older years it may actually be a better option.
You may want to talk to the bankruptcy lawyer and see if it would make sense for you on your fixed income. If you are already behind several months on your credit card payments you may want to also consider debt settlement. You could borrow money from your kids just like when they borrowed money from you to pay for college. Debt settlement will allow you to make a partial payment to satisfy your entire debt.
Either way your credit score will be ruined with bankruptcy or debt settlement. But if you are on a fixed income and advanced in your years you may want to consider these options.
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